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Our Commitment to Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainable Business Practices is Our Focus

The environmental crisis and effects of business on climate change require businesses both small and large to rethink how sustainable of an operation they run. Small businesses like ours face even greater challenges when switching to eco-friendlier options like packaging and raw materials. Offering a completely sustainable and eco-friendly product isn’t always possible with every offering–at least not until those in our supply chains follow suit. But difficulties in getting  responsibly sourced materials and impossibility maintaining a completely zero-waste operation aren’t excuses for at least trying. Here at Olivias, I want you to know that we are taking every step possible in achieving the impossible.

Most commercial gift wrap cannot be recycled. Papers with synthetic coatings, metallic foils, and glitters are harmful to the environment and papers with these treatments can’t go into a curbside recycling bin. Obviously the most eco-friendly option is to neglect wrapping gifts and avoid doing paper crafts and hobbies altogether–but these goals are completely unrealistic. Our product aims to offer a 100% recyclable and overall more sustainable substitute to non-recyclable commercial paper so that customers can make better decisions that help the earth while still enjoying life’s greatest moments.

As part of our effort to keep our earth green, we’ve implemented the following eco-friendly aspects into our offerings:

  • Using 100% recyclable paper made from recycled materials
  • Our printers are certified energy saving models, and our printer suppliers have made bold pledges to offer vibrant inks made from completely sustainable and eco-friendly materials within the next few years
  • We’ve reduced some of our packaging to reduce the amount of waste involved with our offering
  • Our products are mailed in recyclable packaging, and we often use compostable packaging when available.
  • Weve added flyers encouraging our buyers to recycle our paper with suggestions of how to reuse the paper for other uses after their gifts have been given
  • For each sale, we donate a portion of the profits to organizations that plant trees and who’s chief work is to help restore our planet

As the owner of Olivia’s Paper, my personal commitment to sustainability is reflected in my business. As both a seller and a consumer, I know what it means to have the power to choose where my dollars go, and each dollar can be a vote towards a greener earth. Together, we can make small choices that produce a bigger impact. Join me today in creating a better tomorrow by choosing paper and gifts that celebrate life–all life–more beautifully.

xx Jenna

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